About Lesson
- Select paper/card, markers and a pen or use a digital devise for note taking (other items may be used cultural artifacts and symbols, etc).
- Begin with a short session on multicultural diversity and explore how art can reflect various traditions and values, examine examples of art from other cultures to inspire yourself.
- You are now assigned to develop an art mural that represents a different culture to discuss/research. You should look at various images, artifacts, symbols that represent that culture, use books, internet and other available resources.
- You can use/cut images from picture, magazines, print from internet or draw their own image as they feel represents the culture.
- You can now create a collage on a larger sheet of paper, or on a flip chart or large screen. You should arrange the images and are encouraged to label in order to explain their selected images.
- Once collages are complete, presents to the tutor or others on the course, explaining the cultural elements on why you have chosen these images. This allows for a wider discussion and adds additional creativity to the activity.