Course Content
Creative Exercise Development.
These creative exercises can be adapted to many situations which can help you connect skills, ideas, relationships and encourage creativity with individuals and teams.
3 Creative Exercises
During this lesson you will learn about 3 Creative exercises which will help you with your Meta-Skills and Creativity.
Creative Exercises: Introduction
Creative exercises must ensure that the activity is engaging and provide an enhanced learning experience. Trainers should explain the concept of the creative exercises and describe them as tool that can be used to organise thoughts and ideas, exercises can be used to process information, that they are flexible and suitable for many situations and purposes in many areas of life to help plan, develop, or used creativity to engage learners, get them working together possible solve a problem and bring news ideas into play.
Multicultural Arts and Crafts
Creating multicultural artwork (e.g., murals, collages). Encourages collaboration and creativity through interactions and allow celebrating diverse cultures and integration to boost workplace collaboration and inclusion.
One + One = One
This is the thought of connecting two ideas or concepts together so at the end we will have one idea or a concept. This is the connecting of two ideas or concepts together so at the end we will have one idea or a concept, combining from the first look at unrelated ideas and coming up with something new.Individually, come up with a concept which name begins with the same letter as your surname. Now, combine your concept with your tutor’s to create a learning opportunity: a multicultural concept.Think about the concept in detail – what purpose does it serve, who uses it, how does it look. Share ideas between your tutor and other course learners and discuss the outcome.This will encourage collaboration and creativity through interactions and allow celebrating diverse cultures and integration to boost workplace collaboration and inclusion.
Diversity Bingo
A team building and creativity exercise that promotes inclusivity and celebrates differences in the workplace. Learners engage with others from various cultures, backgrounds and learn a number of experiences will engaging with the exercise. Learners can work/talk to others and cross off a square/circle when they find another in the group with who represents the particular item.Questions can be general or more specific; who has travelled to another country; who can speak another language; attended university, etc.
Creative Exercises (Potential Pitfalls)
These are some of the potential pitfalls that you should be aware of when introducing creative exercises for the first time, this should encourage the learner at the early stages to engage fully within the activity, and avoid.
Creative Exercises – Additional Ideas
The previous activities can be adapted to suit many teaching/learning scenarios, this section introduces some neat learning points and additional ideas.
Additional Resources
Here we provide access to some other valuable resources and activities to increase your understanding and thoughts around creativity.Sources: 12 Creative Thinking Activities and Exercises - SELFFA – Engaging Diversity Games To Foster Inclusion ( - Best Exercises to Spark Creativity in Ideation - Innovation Lab -
Quality and Assessment
There are many ways that learners work can be assessed and evaluated for quality and effectiveness. This following section introduces some quality and assessment ideas.
Assessing competence in Creative Exercises
Here we provide a selection of assessment criteria which will help when assessment the competences you will have learnt.
Creative Exercises – Key Points
This next section covers the key points of using creative activities to increase your creativity.
Creativity Assessment
This is series of Multichoice questions followed by a score which will enable you to assess competences achieved through the Creativity Unit.
Creative Development Exercises
    About Lesson
    • Content Evaluation: You should check the accuracy of the content of the training exercise, ensuring that it covers all the main aspects of the topic and sub-topics, you should also assess the completeness, this ensures that no essential information is missing, and final assess the depth of understanding of the topic, are connections helpful and do they go further than just the basics.
    • Quality: Is the Creative exercise organised correctly, is it organised, developed in a logical manner, have you, the learner provided a clear distinction between main idea and supporting details, is there a good mix of colours, images and symbols, or does this cause distraction (too much), remember the exercise should be easy to follow.
    • Assessment Criteria: Complete an assessment criteria for the developed exercise, this can include categories such as; accuracy, organisation, use of colours and images and above all creativity. The tutor can assign a scoring system using points or a written criterion such as a descriptor for the topic
      • Peer review: You are encouraged to exchange final products and provide construction feedback from colleagues, this can include verbal, specific comments on the content and structure and any visual elements.
      • Self-Assessment: You encouraged to evaluate their own work, this can be done against an established criteria, reflect on what you think worked well, or what improvements can be made.
      • Reflect on Effectiveness: Tou are encouraged to reflect on their exercises after using them and ask direct questions, i.e. did the creative exercise enhance understanding, what changes would you make next time you develop any of the exercises.