About Lesson
Meta/Multicultural Skills Creativity: In developing Mind Maps you are provided with an overview of the task and the content of the activity. This is broken down into topic areas, for Meta/Multicultural Skills such as Self-management, Innovation and Social Intelligence, or adapted to suit a specific topic such as Multicultural development.
- Introduction: Here we introduce the topic (Cultural Awareness) and encourage you to create a Mind Map that summarises the key concepts/ideas on the topic.
- Presentation: Assign yourself a specific topic or concept to create a Mind Map related to the topic or concept, afterwards present your Mind Map to your tutor or others, this may feed ideas which promotes collaboration and further creativity and awareness. If working completely as in individual consider the examples in later slides to address creativity of the mind map.
- Assignment: Next stage is the presentation a more complex question related to the topic, here you can work individually or with a colleague to break down the topic, or issue into branches and components. This explores solutions, ideas, possible solutions to problems and identified a pathway.