Course Content
Topic 1: Flexibility
Topic 2: Readiness
Topic 3: Problem Solving
Topic 4: Creativity
The objective and aim of the Mind Mapping process is to help learners strengthen and develop their skills, develop self-awareness, connect ideas, grow creativity and areas for improvement, to identify areas in which to further develop, see patterns and gaps and branch out with their training needs, develop improvements, explore new concepts, review and refine. Mind maps can be used to problem solve, plan, and organize self-development.
Test your Knowledge
Module 3: Dealing with Change
    About Lesson

    Basic Mind Maps can be developed simply on a blank sheet of paper, a white board or on a computer.

    Mind Map Development

    Central Topic: Draw a large circle or square in the middle of the paper, screen, etc. This is the central basis of the theme/topic of the Mind Map.

    Main Branches: Draw lines out from the central shape and create branches, draw smaller circles, shapes, which will represent some main categories or sub-topics, this is related to the central topic/idea.

    Sub-Branches: From the categories of the sup-topics draw smaller lines, these lead to more specific detail or sub-categories.

    Keywords: Write a single keyword on each line that represents an idea of that branch

    Images: use images to make the Mind Map more creative, draw images next to the keyword, this creates a more visual Mind Map.

    Basic Mind Maps can be adapted to many situations which can help you connect skills, ideas, relationships and encourage creativity, they can be simple like a flow chart when developing a presentation.